Deploy Django website using AWS Elastic Beanstalk CLI in windows



  1. Python
  2. pip
  3. virtualenv
  4. awsebcli

To deploy a Django website, first create a virtual environment using below commands in cmd terminal…

  1. >mkdir demo
  2. >cd demo
  3. demo> virtualenv <name_virtualenv>
  4. demo> %HOME_Path%\ <name_virtualenv> \Scripts\activate To check enviroment is now active like below: (<name_virtualenv>) C:\>

Now, Install django in virtual environment

  1. (<name_virtualenv>) C:\> pip install django
  2. (<name_virtualenv>) C:\> pip freeze

Next step is to create django project

  1. (<name_virtualenv>) C:\> django-admin startproject <project-name>

After this execution you will find below directory in project folder

2. cd <project-name>

3. python startapp <folder-name>

After this execution you will find below directory in project folder

4. python runserver

5. pip freeze > requirements.txt

6. mkdir .ebextensions

7. In the .ebextensions directory, add a configuration file named django.config with the following text.

WSGIPath: <project-name>/

8. Download the code from this zip file

9. Extract the zip file and copy “tem” folder in your <project-name> directory.

10. Now make the following changes in your directory.

  1. In file makes these two changes.
  1. In copy the code from the given zip folder
  2. In file, copy this code make sure you change the <folder-name> as per your project

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from <folder-name> import views
from django.conf import settings

urlpatterns = [
path(”,views.home, name=’index’),

Now Our Django website is ready to deploy on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

  1. eb init
  2. eb create <environment-name>
  3. eb deploy
  4. eb open



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