Simple Web-application deployment on EC2 using AWS CodeDeploy & S3 services
Prerequisite AWS CLI Installations: – Click Here Configure Service Role for S3. Go to IAM Click on Role . Select AWS services –> Ec2 . Click on Next Permission. Select S3FullAccess Click on Tag (optional)–>Click on Review. Define Role Name –> Click on Create. Configure Service Role for CodeDeploy. Go to IAM Click on Role . Select AWS services –> CodeDeploy Select your Use Case –> CodeDeploy Click on Next Permission. Click on Tag(optional)–>Click on Review. 5. Define Role Name –> mycodedeployrole .Click on Create. Steps to Deployment of Web Application 1. Create an EC-2 Instance. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), find the Amazon Linux AMI at the top of the list and choose Select. Choose an Instance Type, choose Next: Configure Instance Details. Configure Instance Details, choose Network, and then choose the entry for your d...